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Celebrate the journey of Pregnancy - My Pregnancy Journey


The journey of pregnancy is undeniably an emotional rollercoaster. It was no different to me either. Regardless, I want to relive those nine months of craziness over and over again. I loved watching my body change and grow a new precious life inside. My family and I enjoy looking at the pictures snapped during my pregnancy and cherish those memories.

How I got the idea to capture my pregnancy journey:

A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside; when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.

Growing up, I was very curious to know what my mother must have experienced when she was pregnant with me. I used to wonder how her growing belly looked like. Back then, my dad used to click pictures with his Kodak reel camera, and luckily, I could see her baby shower pictures. During our conversations, my mom used to tell me her pregnancy stories which inspired me to journal my pregnancy journey for sharing it with my child. And what better way to journal than with photo sessions !! That's how the idea of monthly pregnancy sessions came up.

How nature became a theme

Anyone who knows me knows that I love nature. I was living in Seattle, US when I was pregnant and the Pacific Northwest is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque locations in the US. I had this idea of a monthly maternity session to look back at the size of my belly which indicated my growing baby. The seasons changed so rapidly there and nature itself created a perfect background. Hence, the theme for my sessions was the changing seasons. I started planning monthly sessions from my 4th month and continued them until my 9th - changing from summer, pre-fall, fall, pre-winter, winter. I now have a plethora of memories to recall and I’m so lucky to share them with my child.

Second trimester

You never understand life until it grows inside of you.

I could enjoy feeling good, relish food, and celebrate the fact that I was pregnant. With the help of our good friends, we had the chance to capture pictures every month at a different location. Have a look at our pictures from my second trimester.

Third trimester

I still remember the way people looked at me in my second trimester wondering if I was pregnant or just had a huge belly. The third trimester surely changed that look because the belly was growing rapidly. Not only the belly but also my cheeks. Hehe. It was fall by the time I entered the 7th month of my pregnancy and soon the trees shed their leaves and it started snowing. How has the time gone by so fast? Here are some of my favorite clicks from our third trimester.

“I'm in love with a human I haven't met yet"

Celebrate the journey of pregnancy:

From conception to delivery, pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotions and moods. On top of it, women also experience pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness, nausea, cravings, and weight gain.

As scary as these symptoms sound, pregnancy is a beautiful journey that every parent-to-be should celebrate. The happiness of the first glimpse and touch of your baby & the joy of holding them in your arms for the first time will overcome the pain and struggle of bringing your little one into this world.

As a mother and a photographer, I captured my pregnancy journey, and today, I feel lucky to relive those memories through these wonderful clicks. We, at Mythrills, would love for all the to-be-moms to have a similar experience, and hence, we have come up with a new concept named ‘Celebrate the journey of Maternity’ to offer an exclusive Photo Session every month during your pregnancy. We can select a theme as per your journey and capture the most unique and priceless essence of a woman called pregnancy.



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